
Showing posts from November, 2018

Become an Activist 1

Why is it we leave activism to the young? They don't know anything and their activism is almost completely malignant. It's not that they don't mean well. But there lack of knowledge merely threatens to repeat the mistakes of history. What is needed is for the older conservative masses, who are conservative by virtue of their knowledge, really, really, really need to step up to the plate and become activists. I encourage all to store the capital switchboard phone number (202)224-3121 in the speed dial of their phone and demand investigations every time they have a bowel movement. Hopefully, if the capital swichboard starts ringing up millions of calls, maybe, just maybe, real concerns can be addressed instead of the just the Soro's talking points. To get the ball rolling, I would like to raise one issue I think deserves attention. 75 years ago, nuclear energy promised electricity too cheap to meter. But somehow, the government claimed complete ownership of all things n...

The Bankster Slush Fund

I encourage all readers to call the capital switchboard at 202-224-3121 and demand an investigation of the federal reserve. We are constantly told about how the U.S. owes $20 trillion. But I have to ask, "to whom?". Furthermore, there are no terms to this 'loan' other than a variable interest rate. We obviously don't have to pay as what we pay in interest comes out of an even greater continuing loan. In no way does it resemble a bank loan. Rather, it looks a lot like a loan-shark loan. I wonder how far in until the dealer calls his markers. With this in mind, allow me to make an observation. Over time, our country has grown, by virtue of it's workers, like a coral reef. In year x, we had y numbers of houses or ports, or airports, or whatever. In year x + 1, our country gained 0.1y houses and tore down 0.05 houses. Clearly over time, our country has just increased in total worth. If we did not print money into existence, everything would just decrease in val...