Sign this petition for innovation

In the U.S., the military, access to space, energy, and mass-trans are all prohibitively expensive. The president can make great strides in reducing the cost of all of these endeavors using common sense engineering solutions. It is no coincidence that everything the govt. buys costs 100 times more than it should. The govt version of the old saying, "never give a sucker an even break" is "As a member of govt, I solemnly swear to shovel as much money back to my corporate campaign donors in the form of pork barrel govt. funded projects".
Perhaps the greatest achievements of our society, aside from everything else, is smart phones and they were only possible because of fantastic engineering at fantastically low costs. If the president can reduce the costs of these important endeavors by an order of magnitude, he will give the world nearly free green energy, great infrastructure, an affordable military, and he will usher in the civilian space age.
It has been 50+ years since the moon landing. It has been 75 yrs since our great grandfather's generation gave us jets, rockets, and nuclear energy and we remain jet-lagged, earth-bound, and dependent on primitive and expensive energy. For all the readers of this article who hate traffic jams, high taxes, and high energy costs, and have held fantasies of one day going into space, please sign this petition and send the link to your like minded friends.
Here's the thing about corporations who sell 'us' $800 hammers. When you send someone to Washington, it is like hiring a lawyer or anyone for that matter. You have an expectation that as their client, they will act in your best interest. That expectation is a metaphor for the temple, a place where there is a sacredness, the expectation of honorable behavior in a contract. When the people we have contracted to represent us in congress pay hundreds of billions in cost overruns or jet engines on outdated planes, they are stabbing citizens in the back to benefit them and their donors. They tell themselves its about jobs in their district. But then jobs that result in no benefit are questionable at best. Maybe they could dream up jobs that result in a benefit. Regardless, representatives who squander billions are like the money changers in the temple. They are people who go to Washington as if to represent their clients, but instead, just act as money changers in the temple. In deciding to sign this petition, you are agreeing to at least make the slightest effort to evict the money changers. This petition doesn't ask for a dime or any fundamental policy change, it only asks for the chance to present the case for far superior engineering solutions for the needs for which the government is already purchasing.

Help me help the president do for our infrastructure what the cheap microprocessor did for the information age. I ask that the president allow me to present the engineering arguments for greatly reducing the cost of all of these endeavors.The president can revolutionize our country and world by reducing the costs of these endeavors nearly 100-fold. Case in point, Hoover Dam could have been accomplished just by caving in the walls of the canyon. They could have done that and just handed those thousands of workers a check for three years labor and actually ended up with a better result as an earthen dam, as opposed to the current dam, is essentially immune to destruction by either earthquake or war.. But the president cannot manifest ten-fold returns on investment by listening to the deep state contractors who have given us billion dollar weapons, rockets, and infrastructure. Billion dollar rockets are useless but million dollar rockets we can use. Billion dollar weapons are unaffordable, especially when we can build million dollar weapons that are far more useful. And billion dollar infrastructure is why we have so little of it. If we build million dollar infrastructure, we can build a country worth living in and greatly improve the quality of life for everyone.


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