Yins who reject the yangs

Although the topic of homosexuality is sacrosanct, the arguments that are never allowed to be spoken deserve to heard. The LGBT mafia asserts that failure to embrace homosexuality is equivalent to nazism. In rebuttal, allow me to say what it is actually all about.
Whatever created this reality created the human race with almost exactly 50/50 ratios of members with complimentary sex organs. In its infinite wisdom, it gave these opposing halves nearly diametrically different natures. So here we are, a being that has a codependent relationship with a group with which we have so many behavioral conflicts.
If we look at it honestly, neither half of the population has the 'right' perspective. The best guess is that both perspectives are important and valuable and that based on the simple existence of this reality, that perhaps we are somehow benefited by learning to accept, appreciate, and try to understand our counterpart personalities. Arguably, it might be surmised that since men and women possess complimentary sex organs, perhaps they also possess complimentary behavioral characteristics. And perhaps those that look askance at the LGBT individuals aren't so much homophobes and haters as LGBT members are heterophobes or genderists or yins who reject the yangs.
There is no doubt that it is easier to get along with a duplicate of yourself than to negotiate a relationship with a behavioral counterpart. And perhaps it is easier to reject the sex of the body you are born into if you have some identity conflict. But it is far from clear that taking that path is in an individuals best interest. If in fact, being gay or transgender is most accurately defined as a case of the yin rejecting the yang, then there is indisputable grounds for challenging this behavior. Of course, in the end, everyone should be free to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't transgress another's freedom. Likewise, those who see this as a case of immature behavior rejecting their naturally defined counterparts should be just as free to express those reservations. And it is certainly OK and essential that young people not be indoctrinated to believe that rejecting their naturally defined counterpart is indisputably OK.
As a corroborating observation, gays must more or less masturbate each other as a substitute for intercourse, where complimentary organs work together like an extension cord works with another extension cord. Also, gay couples can never have kids with each persons DNA or by natural means. Effectively, to be gay means that you have to go to extraordinary means for a substandard outcome. It is almost like crossing the street so you don't have to run into a member of the opposite sex. If there is any question as to who is the hater, it is the street crosser, not the person who does not automatically condone street crossing.


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