Quit Fishing at the Water Treatment Plant

Although on balance, Trump is better than we have ever seen, it is aggravating, his seemingly remarkably poor choice of cohorts. Sessions could have been a death pick. Wray obviously has no interest in justice and is almost certainly a blatant enemy. And his lawyers must be working for his enemies. Where are the malicious prosecution lawsuits? Arguably there has never been a clearer case of malicious prosecution. Especially in light of the fact that not a single proven democrat liar has had any charges brought.

I contend that the problem lies in where Trump is getting his candidates. He is the first person ever elected who is not part of the deep state and yet every single person in his administration is from the deep state. There is only one thing you are going to catch when you fish in the Deep State Water Treatment Plant. For gosh sakes President Trump, why not bring in people from states that voted for you by wide margins, like Oklahoma. And just as importantly, why don't you hire someone besides lawyers. Try hiring a few engineers. The only thing lawyers fix is the game. If you want to fix this nations problems, try talking to people who might know how to fix something.

President Trump, you claim that the people you like are the taxi drivers and the workers building your hotels except that not a single person in your administration fits the profile. Try hiring Mark Steyn, or Jordan Peterson, or my favorite, Ann Coulter. I don't care what the position is that needs to be filled, these people can do a job they have never done before, better than anyone from the Harvard educated water treatment plant.

But most importantly, announce a national engineering contest where people other than Bechtel and Caterpillar, can submit engineering proposals directly to the white house. Then maybe, just maybe you can surround yourself with not only real talent, but people who are not your avowed enemy.

A closing comment on advocating for a national engineering contest. The engineering opportunities available to you are breathtakingly great. It has been 75 years since the INVENTIONS of the nuclear reactor, the rocket, and the jet and yet, the world is still dependent on primitive electricity, is earthbound, and still takes half a day to cross the Pacific. All these things are just waiting to be solved and can be solved with just a little push from you Mr. President.


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