Stopping the Tyranny of the Majority

Somewhere along the way, we concluded that democracy was the most egalitarian method of governance. We deluded ourselves to think that this way, the people could govern themselves. In fact, all we did was change the game. It has always been about the powerful and the underclass duking it out, but now instead of just buying politicians, the rich  buy the media and sabotage the education system, and then just tell the grossly uneducated population how to vote.
I contend that this system cannot stand. I say this because as one of the educated who was not caught in the system, I can conceive of a way to bring down the system and I can imagine how one might justify it. If I can conceive of it, many more can and probably will. I contend that there are enough educated people not in the ruling class who will never be OK with the idea of a ruling elite and will eventually be the next founding fathers who eventually bring down a system built on a ruling elite. The ruling elite may own the google's and facebooks and have an over whelming advantage, but in exploiting their advantage, they are engendering a resentment that will eventually boil over.
In writing this, I also contend that there can be an amicable solution to this dilemma, if enough people are willing to fight for it.
The simple fact is the purse strings need to be divided up. No more of this winner take all. That way, the stakes won't be so high that there are those willing to destroy the educational and media systems of society to take power.
Of course, the best way to go about this is to declare that any discretionary spending be divided between the degree of representation. If party A got 51% of the vote, they get to spend 51% of any budgetary allocation.
The reason this is critically necessary is easily understood if we compare it to a marriage. If any marriage were based on either party having unilateral say as to how their money was spent or the vacations that were taken, it would fall apart in short order. This country is on the verge of falling apart. And even if you are in the majority, it you adhere to the argument that it entitles you to stuff it down the minorities throat, you will not like the long term results.
Take heed for all those who subscribe to 'democracy'. One man's democracy is another man's 'Tyranny of the Majority'. True democracy is one person one vote, not 'winner take all'. It is one person, one's equal share to be heard, not one person gets heard and the other is told to shut up.


  1. Very clearly and concisely stated, thank you. I've initiated a dialog with an old high school friend who has taken a political stand almost directly opposed to mine. Your thoughts on ending winner take all politics is excellent but insufficient. Friedrich Nietzsche's quote "All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down." has never been more important. When the largely homogeneous media can influence public debate by restricting and redefining words meaning then honest dialogue about a problems possible solutions become channeled to a single politically correct desired result. It has become clear that prior to having a friendly, intelligent discussion about current political events/actors/direction that we must come to agreement on basic definitions. I think it will even go as far back as the historical events which established our nation.


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