The Bankster Slush Fund

I encourage all readers to call the capital switchboard at 202-224-3121 and demand an investigation of the federal reserve.
We are constantly told about how the U.S. owes $20 trillion. But I have to ask, "to whom?". Furthermore, there are no terms to this 'loan' other than a variable interest rate. We obviously don't have to pay as what we pay in interest comes out of an even greater continuing loan. In no way does it resemble a bank loan. Rather, it looks a lot like a loan-shark loan. I wonder how far in until the dealer calls his markers.
With this in mind, allow me to make an observation. Over time, our country has grown, by virtue of it's workers, like a coral reef. In year x, we had y numbers of houses or ports, or airports, or whatever. In year x + 1, our country gained 0.1y houses and tore down 0.05 houses. Clearly over time, our country has just increased in total worth. If we did not print money into existence, everything would just decrease in value and everyone would be poorer.
If we had a trillion dollars to chase a million houses, each house would be worth a million. If 50 years later we had a trillion dollars to chase 10 million houses, they would each be worth $100,000. So it is clear that a system that adds a trillion dollars worth of construction to their country every year must print into existence, a trillion dollars of money every year just to account for this aggregation of wealth.
Now, in our country, we invented this thing called the Federal Reserve to perform this function. But rather than just explain that we needed to print money every year, we pretended that this printed money was 'borrowed' and that we 'owed' it. That way we could attach to that 'debt', an 'interest' payment. Now everyone naturally just attributed this interest payment as the necessary cost of 'borrowing' money. However, as I reflect on this arrangement, I am not as generous.
This is what it looks like to me. The ruling class of bankers built in this 'interest' payment as an eternal slush fund for themselves. Anytime the federal government makes an 'interest' payment, it supposedly goes to finance the debt, except that the federal reserve doesn't owe anybody anything and they certainly aren't paying interest to bond holders on $20 trillion worth of bonds. Basically, the U.S. is shoveling a half a trillion dollars a year to the 'federal reserve' in exchange for another few truck loads of pretty paper.
It's not that the U.S. isn't paying interest on this debt. It is just that the interest they are paying isn't finance costs, it is just the personal interests of the ruling banking elite. Think about it clearly for a minute. We put on the books an accounting note that half a trillion dollars a year is written off to the federal reserve as interest on the debt. However, it kind of has to go somewhere, doesn't it? I mean, if the government writes off a half a trillion, isn't that the same as writing a blank check, redeemable anywhere?
One of two things has to be true. Either there is $20 trillion worth of bonds in the public's hands and we are paying dividends on people's savings, or the federal reserve is holding those $20 trillion in certificates and collecting the interest. In reality, they are charging a finance fee for having printed the money. They basically gave themselves ownership of the money they printed so that they could collect, in perpetuity, interest on that money. It is like having a copyright on every dollar ever borrowed by the federal government. This is why no one is interested in reducing the debt.
Ultimately, what we have here is a criminal syndicate that uses the ignorance of the masses to siphon off 3+% of the nations income every year to support the elite, non-working class. If we were bees, they would be the drones.
Now I may be missing something, but I don't think so. Why would you need to pay interest to a printing company? No one gave us their savings in exchange for an annual interest payment. The money that financed your house didn't come from another person's savings, it came from a printing press. In the old days, loans were the savings of others. Now, savings probably account for less than 1% of the money that is loaned, principally, just to hide the fact that most financing fees are copyright or bank financing fees.  This is why it is so important for everyone who reads this to make a call to the capital switchboard demanding an investigation into this crime. As the author, I will probably die tomorrow in a freak car accident or an arkancide. It is up to the readers to push this issue into the pubic spotlight and end, once and for all, this 100 year hustle by the bankster elite.
We need to publicly admit that money will be printed every year to account for the aggregation of wealth and not keep paying untold billions to those who run the printing presses.


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